Make Money Selling Kids Clothes

Did you know that you can make money selling kids clothes both online and locally? Not only is this a great way to earn some extra money, but it is a nice way to de-clutter your child's closet or dresser. Plus, kids grow out of clothing extremely quick. By selling the clothes that no longer fit them you can use that money to put towards new clothing that will fit your child.You may feel overwhelmed when you start the process, but once you figure it out, it will get easier. Start small and pick clothes that are in good condition. It will be much easier to sell clothes that are not stained or worn too much. Sort them according to size or even by season. This will give you a better idea of how much clothing you have to sell and what you think people may pay to purchase.Depending on where or how you are going to make money selling kids clothes you will have to figure out pricing. This may be difficult but the best thing to do is compare prices to what other people are selling their clothes for, or find out how much it was brand new and then take a percentage off since it is used. It is not hard to make money selling kids clothes online or even to people in your area. Below you will find some easy options to get started.

Did you know that you can make money selling kids clothes both online and locally? Not only is this a great way to earn some extra money, but it is a nice way to de-clutter your child's closet or dresser. Plus, kids grow out of clothing extremely quick so by selling the clothes that no longer fit them you can use that money to put towards new clothing.

5 Easy ways to sell your kids clothes to make money - Tweet this

Make Money Selling Kids Clothes

Here is a list of options you can consider when selling kids clothes. Pick which one you think would work best for you.Craigslist - This is a nice option to sell your kids clothes locally, and it is free to list your items on Craigslist. You will need to take pictures of the items you are selling and list them on craigslist with a description and price. People will then contact you to purchase the items you have and set up a time to get it from you. Make sure when you sell an item on craigslist that you pick the closest city to where you live.eBay - In my experience, only items that are brand new sell on eBay, and you have a better chance of selling the items if you have a good rating on eBay. But, this is not to say that you cannot sell your kids clothing on this site. We have a lot of clothing with tags still on them because they were gifts that we could not return and my kids never fit into the size/season.Consignment Store - This may or may not be an option depending on where you live. In my area, there are a few local consignment stores and there is also consignment events that come during certain times of the year. The nice thing about a consignment store is you can just show up with the clothing you want to sell and they will go through it and decide what they will and will not purchase from you. Many times they will only be taking certain seasons or size, so you might not be able to sell all of the clothes, but it is a great way to get some extra money. Plus, you can search their inventory and buy new clothes for your kids for a discounted price.Online Swap Sites - You can sell your kids clothes on sites like and follow the steps on their site. This particular site will allow you to sell the clothes or swap them for new clothes for your child.Facebook - You can search Facebook and see if there are any local selling groups in your area. Again, this is a nice option because it is free. You can start by searching the closest city to you. If there are not any local groups you could always post it to your wall and ask your friends to share the post with their friends. 

Did you know that you can make money selling kids clothes both online and locally? Not only is this a great way to earn some extra money, but it is a nice way to de-clutter your child's closet or dresser. Plus, kids grow out of clothing extremely quick so by selling the clothes that no longer fit them you can use that money to put towards new clothing.