10 Things Moms Of Boys MUST Know


 10 Things Moms of Boys MUST Know

 Having three boys has become somewhat of a joke in our family. “You only make boys!” Obviously, it is a true statement because we have 3 young boys.Whether you have one son or multiple you will realize how much they change who you are {not in a bad way}. Being a parent to boys brings its own challenges {and rewards}. You just adjust to it and realize that it is a part of your like — forever. I know a lot of these items below seem stereotypical and many girls probably do the same thing, but these are all example from our everyday lives.If you are a parent of a boy or expecting to have a boy then read our handy list of useful information that Moms of Boys MUST Know.1. You must know that being grossed out about bodily fluids and noises is a thing of the past. Get used to farts, nose picking and constant pee on the floor of the bathroom. You may think that it is ‘awesome’ once they become potty trained, but let me tell you it is definitely overrated. You will then sit in pee, step in pee, touch pee… anywhere there is a surface in the bathroom has a potential to have pee on it… beware. Boys will always find farts to be funny and find the most inappropriate place to let one out. Be prepared.2. You must know that your house will ALWAYS be dirty. No matter how hard you try to clean it, it is useless. Boys are messy. You will spend your entire day trying to tell them to clean it up and then they walk inside and track dirt and footprints everywhere. There are little handprints on every single one of the walls inside of our house. As soon as there is silence in your house you know something HUGE is happening, hence… 10 Things Moms of Boys MUST KnowBoys somehow make a mess within seconds, but hey have you ever had it snow in your playroom??3.You must know that your son will be dirty. I swear my boys just attract dirt. My kids walk outside and are filthy immediately. Which brings me to #4…4. You must know that your bathtub will become your new best friend. Bath night becomes EVERY night, unless you want to have stinky, smelly, dirty kids EVERY single day. Yes, bath time is a huge production, your bathroom will be soaking wet and somehow all of your towels will be dirty and used.5. You must know that it is normal for boys to wrestle ALL day EVERY day. They tackle, kick, punch, slap, jump, smash, pound, pummel {I think you get the idea} each other constantly.6. You must know that your son will push your buttons daily. Boys like to climb as high as they can, eat food they find on the floor at a restaurant, jump off of everything, etc. I am the Mom that everyone looks at and thinks is crazy because their son is on top of the swing set instead of just sliding down the slide. You no longer stress about all the little things like sanitizing all the time and realize you cannot be the mom who freaks out over every little fall a boy has because it is numerous times a day. {tip: have lots of band-aids}.

10 Things Moms of Boys MUST Know

7. You must know that you will forever be telling your son to get his hands out of his pants. Although it is done innocently it is something boys do every chance they get. It doesn't matter if you are in public or not. My oldest has actually pulled his pants down and said “Look how big it is Mom,” when we were outside! {He’s 4}. I am sure this is just the beginning…8. You must know that the word quiet no longer exists. Boys are LOUD. No matter what they are doing they are just loud. I am sure my neighbors think we are crazy because our house sounds like a playground all the time. I say please lower your voice no less than 100 times EVERY day.9. You must know that boys will take apart everything. Hopefully you are not too attached to that bracelet that has been passed down for two generations?!? Anything they can get their little hands on will be in pieces just because they are curious to see how it comes apart. I am very grateful for duck tape.

10 Things Moms of Boys MUST Know

10. You must know that boys will use any opportunity they have to be naked. If you have read this far and do not already think me and my family are strange, well now you will… A couple years ago my boys made up the word SABY for when they took their clothes off. I have no idea where that came from, but it is now a normal part of our day. My boys strip down to nothing and run around the house yelling SABY {extremely loud}.But, even after pointing out all the thing things you must know as a Mom of boys, I would NOT change it for the world. My three boys are amazing. They teach me more than I can ever possibly teach them. I cherish each and every day that have with them!!After I have a CRAZY day with my kids I definitely use my stress away essential oils to relax and relieve stress from the day. When my boys are in bed I definitely need to unwind and take a little break so I love using oils to just relax and think about how I am going to start the next day.Are you a boy Mom? Please share in the comments below other things that Mom's of boys MUST know! You may also like:Mom Confession: I Peed in a Diaper!Are you raising well-mannered kids?How to Potty Train in 3 DaysKids Caterpillar Clothes Pin CraftReal Ways to Make Money From HomeIf you are a stay at home Mom and are looking to make some extra money, take a look at my book Real Ways to Make Money From HomeIt goes into depth about twelve different jobs that can either be full-time or part-time work. 10 Things Moms of Boys MUST Know