20 Household Money Saving Tips
Below I have put together 15 simple household money saving tips. It can be difficult finding small ways to save money around your house. Everyone has an area or two that they overspend on and sometimes you do not even realize how much you are overspending.There are a lot of ways that you can save an extra couple of dollars every day or every week. Some of these tips may seem easy, but when you combine a few together each month you can really save big.Take a look at these household money saving tips and see how you can save a couple bucks here and there to maximize your savings.
Household Money Saving Tips:
1. Shop for bargains at your local dollar store or discount shops. I have some really great dollar stores around my house and find so many deals.2. Use coupons and your store's sales circular to make a shopping list. Having a list can help prevent you from making unnecessary purchases. Strategically shopping can really cut down your monthly grocery bills. It may seem like a lot of work, but once you understand when to buy and what to buy you can really see the savings start to add up. Check out my post on how you can save more with coupons in less time.3. Eat out less and cook at home more. Try to plan your meals in advance to help alleviate stress. This will also help with how much money you spend at the grocery store because you will only be buying the items you need for your meals.4. Buy in bulk when possible. When done right, buying in bulk will help you save money each month on household products.5. When you get home at the end of the day put all loose change in a jar you keep out of sight. Sometimes you may not have a lot and other times you may have a dollar or more in change. Even if you only put $0.50 in the jar a day you could have over $180 at the end of the year.6. Avoid using credit cards or over drafting when using your debit card. I know this is easier said than done, but overdraft fees are just wasting money.7. Google copycat recipes for your favorite coffee drink or recipe and make it at home. It is tempting to go eat at a restaurant or local coffee shop to order your favorite items, but it is much cheaper to make it at home.8. When you shop online, use coupon codes or cash back sites like ebates. Ebates is one of my favorite sites to use when I am shopping online. They will offer you a percentage back on all of your purchases in the form of a check. Plus, you can refer friends and get bonuses.9. Stick to your budget. If you find that it's impossible, track every penny you spend to see what you need to cut back on.10. Buy generic over name brand when quality is similar. Often times my local grocery store will have great deals on their store brand items.11. Set up auto-pay on monthly bills to avoid charges for late fees. Having your bills organized and knowing when they are due each month can really help you save money.12. Wash your own car.13. Mow your own lawn.14. Cancel newspaper or magazine subscriptions and read them online instead.15. Adjust your thermostat by a couple of degrees {if possible} to save money each month.16. Get blackout curtains to keep your home warmer or cooler depending on the season.17. Make your own cleaning supplies.18. Cut extra channels from your cable plan or get rid of cable altogether. I always like to call our cable company to see if they are offering any specials to try to lower our monthly bill.19. Have family night at home once or twice a month instead of going out every week.20. For date night, a romantic dinner at home along with a movie and popcorn costs a fraction of the price of going out to do the same things. Not only do I like saving money at home, but I also earn money from home too. If you are looking for ways to earn a full-time income from home check out my eBook Real Ways to Make Money from Home. This book goes into depth about 12 different ways that you can earn a full-time income from home without having to work 40 hours a week.image: https://www.frugalfanatic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Real-Ways-Make-money-sidebar.jpg You may also like:
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