2016 Budget Binder - free worksheets
Now that we are into a new year it is time to re-asses your finances and make any necessary changes to your budget. To make it easy, you can download and print my 2016 Budget Binder worksheets. Whether you are new to budgeting or have been doing it for years, my Budget Binder will help you to stay organized and gain control of your finances.In order to make wise financial decisions you need to be able to see the big picture. Being able to look at how much money you bring in each month and how you are spending it will help guide you throughout each month.A lot of people tell me that their main financial struggle is saving money. Even though it seems like an easy concept it can be extremely difficult to save money. The first step is sitting down and tracking your finances. This is the easiest way to create your budget.[bctt tweet="Organize your finances & #save more money this year with this #free Budget Binder"]Budgeting is not something to be afraid of. It is actually a simple process if you are willing to devote a few minutes every day or a specific time slot weekly. Sure, it is easier said than done, but today I am going to share with you one of the ways that I keep my finances organized by using a Budget Binder.I absolutely adore printables. They make my life much easier. Anytime I can make my life easier with a worksheet I jump on it. If you are ready to start increasing your savings account then now is the time to take action. I also have a video I created to tell you exactly how I use each printable.
2016 Budget Binder includes:
Monthly Financial Goals
Yearly Financial Goals
Monthly Bill Tracker
Monthly Budget
Bank Account Information
Debt Paydown
Blank Calendar
Blank 2016 Holidays & Observances
2016 Budget Binder breakdown:
Want to save more money? In order to make wise financial decisions to increase your savings account you need to be organized and use a budget. Download this free 2016 Budget Binder to help you save more money this year. Click to get the worksheets now...
Want to save more money? In order to make wise financial decisions to increase your savings account you need to be organized and use a budget. Download this free 2016 Budget Binder to help you save more money this year. Click to get the worksheets now...
Want to save more money? In order to make wise financial decisions to increase your savings account you need to be organized and use a budget. Download this free 2016 Budget Binder to help you save more money this year. Click to get the worksheets now...
Want to save more money? In order to make wise financial decisions to increase your savings account you need to be organized and use a budget. Download this free 2016 Budget Binder to help you save more money this year. Click to get the worksheets now...
Want to save more money? In order to make wise financial decisions to increase your savings account you need to be organized and use a budget. Download this free 2016 Budget Binder to help you save more money this year. Click to get the worksheets now...
Want to save more money? In order to make wise financial decisions to increase your savings account you need to be organized and use a budget. Download this free 2016 Budget Binder to help you save more money this year. Click to get the worksheets now...
Want to save more money? In order to make wise financial decisions to increase your savings account you need to be organized and use a budget. Download this free 2016 Budget Binder to help you save more money this year. Click to get the worksheets now...
Want to save more money? In order to make wise financial decisions to increase your savings account you need to be organized and use a budget. Download this free 2016 Budget Binder to help you save more money this year. Click to get the worksheets now...
Want to save more money? In order to make wise financial decisions to increase your savings account you need to be organized and use a budget. Download this free 2016 Budget Binder to help you save more money this year. Click to get the worksheets now...
Monthly & Yearly Financial GoalsI like to sit down and set monthly and yearly financial goals. The Monthly Financial Goals sheet will allow you to reflect back and figure out what you can do differently each month. It also has an area for you to write down what you need to do to reach those goals.The Yearly Financial Goals sheet offers you a place to write out your major goals for the year.For example, one of your yearly goals may be to save up enough money to replace the roof on your home. You could then write that in for Goal #1 along with the estimated cost and a date for when you would like to have it completed by.This will help you to see why you are saving money or cutting back on other expenses throughout the year. This can also be a place where you write in a vacation goal. It will give you a deadline to have enough money saved up for your vacation. Then, each month your goal might be to put away an extra $100 for that vacation and you can use the monthly financial goal sheet for a more specific goal. Monthly Bill TrackerI love having this sheet in my binder because it allows me to pay my bills on time and stay organized. One of the top financial struggles I hear from my readers is remembering to pay bills on time. I hate to admit it, but I am definitely guilty of not paying bills on time too. Don’t you just hate having to pay a late payment fee? Those costs really add up. This printable will prevent you from having to put out extra money each month when paying your bills. Monthly BudgetIf you have been around my blog then you have probably seen my monthly budget printable. It is extremely simple to use and I have heard a lot of positive feedback from my readers who use it.For this sheet, you can easily track your income and expenses each month by filling in your totals. If you prefer, you can print my blank version and fill in all of your own expenses rather than using the pre-filled categories. I have a column for estimated so that you can budget your money and then a column for the actual amount of the expense each month.To make it easy, I have even created a downloadable Excel spreadsheet that will figure out the totals for you each month. Bank Account InformationThis sheet is pretty much self explanatory, but it is nice to have all of this information together in one place. I have a separate bank account for my blog and we also have separate bank accounts for our three boys. It is nice to have the account numbers and routing information handy for when I need to make any kind of transaction. This is a great place to keep information for a savings account that you can directly deposit money into from each paycheck. Debt PaydownI am sure you can agree that paying down debt is extremely difficult. Being able to find extra money to put towards your debt each month is hard. You can use this printable to keep track of each creditor you have. For example, you will want to print out a copy for each loan or credit card. This will help you to keep track of the amount of debt you have with each one while staying organized to pay it off. It will help you to track the interest rates, balances and payments you make.You can print a separate sheet for each creditor. For example, you can print a copy of this debt payoff planner for your car loan and then another copy for a credit card that you have.This will help you to keep track of your debt and help you to stay organized while paying it off. You can track the interest rate, balances and all payments that you make. This sheet can help you to decide which debt you are going to try to tackle first. Blank CalendarI like to include this calendar so that I can write down important dates and even keep track of when we will be receiving paychecks or other income. This will help you to figure out how much money you can budget each month. There are certain months where my husband will receive an extra paycheck because of the amount of weeks in that month.This is also good to use if you have a special event of party coming up so that you can plan ahead for it.{Related: Using a Gift Tracker & Budget}Holiday & ObservancesThis sheet is in my budget binder so that I can plan our spending for holidays and other occasions. I will compare those dates to our payday schedule and make sure I am budgeting enough money. To create your own 2016 Budget Binder I recommend that you print the number of pages below. You can then put them into a 3-ring binder.1- Cover12- Monthly Financial Goals1- Yearly Financial Goals12- Monthly Bill Tracker12- Monthly Budget1- Bank Account Information {unless more are necessary}Debt Paydown {however many are necessary}12 – Blank Calendars1- Holidays & ObservancesOnce you have everything printed you will then need to assemble it. I use a standard white binder that has the plastic piece in the front to slip the cover page into. This is how I assemble mine, but you can put it in the order that works best for you:Holidays & ObservancesBank Account InformationDebt PaydownYearly Financial GoalsBlank CalendarMonthly Financial GoalsMonthly BudgetMonthly Bill TrackerRepeat for each month {Blank Calendar – Monthly Bill Tracker}[convertkit form=4917358]You can get all of my 2016 Budget Binder worksheets sent directly to your inbox for you to print out and start using today. Enter your information into the form above to gain access.