Baby Shower Etiquette

If you have not been to a baby shower in recent years or perhaps you’ve never been to one at all, here are some great tips on baby shower etiquette and things you should NOT bring. These range from gifts to attitudes but can really end up bothering the mom-to-be.

Baby Shower Etiquette

baby shower etiquetteI have been pregnant three times now and I know how frustrating it can be when someone just says the wrong thing! Not only are you hormonal, but you feel huge and uncomfortable all the time. Your baby shower is supposed to be a fun day and one little comment or odd gift can definitely put a damper on it. Below you will find a list of baby shower etiquette items we came up with that you should NOT bring or say at your next baby shower.

Baby Shower Etiquette: Things You Shouldn't Do or Say

The Words, “Wow You are Huge”  Regardless of the size of the expectant mother pointing out how large they are is never, under any circumstances okay.  This day is for them and to celebrate their child and any extra weight gained is not something they want to think about.  If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.Dirty or Stained Used Baby Items.  Although I believe in some circumstances giving hand me downs, family mementos or good used condition items as gifts is okay, I draw the line at dirty or stained items.  I have been known to shop consignment sales and thrift shops for my own kids closets, but I believe it is in poor taste to give anyone a baby item that is obviously in disrepair.  A $5 Gift Card and note with love and thoughts is much more appreciated and needed.Your Unruly Child.  If you have a toddler going through a tantrum throwing stage, a mouthy tween or even a baby who is currently suffering from a severe case of colic, a Baby Shower is NOT the place to bring them. {I have had a colic baby and a temper-tantrum throwing 2-year old and it will NOT be fun for you either to take them}.  Remember, this day is for the mother to be and their child and if you spend the entire time battling with your own not only will it make them fearful of their future but also will distract from the goings on.Bitterness.  I realize that many women suffer from miscarriages and/or infertility and this is a sensitive subject to address, but let me remind you that if the mother-to-be invited you to her shower, you are important to her.  It is not her way of rubbing in the fact that she is having a child when you cannot.  She is inviting you to share in her joy.  If you don’t feel you can practice the joy of the situation due to your own emotional struggles with infertility, politely decline the invitation and perhaps send a card with gift card or note of love and encouragement instead.  It is perfectly reasonable for you to be upset, but do your best to prevent that from making their day difficult.Non Baby Related Gifts.  Now is not the time to re-gift the ugly Christmas sweater.  Although personal gifts for the mother like books, lotions, shower gels or a comfy nighty for in the hospital are acceptable, odd gifts that are not related to the baby are not.  Gravy boats, food processors or the entire first 3 seasons of your favorite reality show are not appropriate baby shower gifts.  (Yes, I actually saw one person receive 3 seasons of Survivor wrapped in a dirty grocery bag as a shower gift once).Remember the reason for these events and act kindly.  If budget issues are a hindrance, let the expectant mother know you are tight on funds but would love to come cook a meal, clean her home or offer a few hours of free babysitting instead. You can also make a diaper cake for less than $20!  Or check out our other DIY Baby Gifts. As long as what is offered is done in love and genuineness any mother to be would love to accept it. You can also print our Baby Shower Planning Checklist  or our Baby Shower Gift Tracker to help stay organized throughout the planning process

Baby Shower Ideas:

Baby Shower GamesBaby Shower Diaper CakesBaby Shower FoodBaby Shower DecorationsBaby Shower Invitations You can also check out these sites for some baby shower favors, baby shower invitations, baby shower gift ideas! Make sure you checkout the Frugal Fanatic Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest for DIY projects, recipes, money saving tips and more.

What baby shower baby shower etiquette ideas do you have, please share in the comments below.

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