Chocolate Candy Popcorn Recipe
Candy popcorn is a really easy and delicious snack to make with your kids. This recipe can be altered to your liking. You can add any color or flavor of chocolate to this recipe.
Candy Popcorn
We love having movie nights with our boys, but I hate just making plain popcorn. It is nice to change it up every once in awhile and give them a special treat. Making candy popcorn is seriously so easy. Below you will find our step-by-step instructions even though I am sure you will not need them.
Candy Popcorn Ingredients:
- Popcorn {any kind you prefer} or make stove-top
- 1 Bag of Chocolate Melting Wafers
{any color}
- Optional – Sprinkles or topping
Candy Popcorn Directions:
- Prepare your bag of popcorn. I always take the easy route and do microwaveable.
- Pour about half the bag of chocolate flavored melting wafers into a microwaveable safe bowl and heat for 30 seconds at a time. Stir in-between. Ours normally melt to a good consistency after about fifteen seconds. Even if it does not look completely melted you can keep stirring it and the heat from the chocolate will melt it entirely.
- Pour the melted chocolate on top of the popcorn. I have found that the best way of doing this is by getting a butter knife and covering it with the chocolate to drizzle over top of the popcorn. It spreads it out better so that you are not getting big clumps of chocolate all in one place.
- Add any other toppings. We added some cupcake gems
because it was what I had at the house.
- Enjoy!
Other Candy Recipes:
Also, make sure you checkout the Frugal Fanatic Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest for even more DIY projects, recipes, saving money tips and more. Have you ever made candy popcorn, please share in the comments below