Day 1: How to Start

 To start couponing can be extremely overwhelming. My step-by-step guide will break down all the steps to save you money. Each day I will add a new step in the process with easy “how to” instructions that you can try to get started. If you follow these steps you will be save at least 50% on your weekly grocery bill!I know that many people have tried to start saving money by clipping coupons, but after a lot of time and effort the say that it is not worth it. Clipping a couple of coupons here and there is ineffective. In order to really save money with coupons, you MUST change your way of thinking and shopping. This may be extremely hard in the beginning, but it will all pay off in the end, TRUST ME!You will no longer be making a list of the items you need or want at the grocery store each week. You will need to purchase ONLY the items that are on sale and you have a coupon for, and as much of it as possible. Extreme couponing is a commitment, and it will take time before you start to see the real savings. Your list will start to consist of the items that are matched with weekly ads and the coupons you have clipped.The hardest part when you first start is figuring out what you will eat each day if you are only buying the items that are on sale. This will take some time, but once you have created your stockpile it will be much easier.To get started, you will have to start to collect coupons. An important task that you will need to figure out is the best way to organize those coupons. This is an essential part of couponing because you will soon see how many coupons you begin to accumulate! Binder System:Many people prefer to organize their coupons into a binder. Although setting up the binder will take a lot of time, it will save you time when planning your shopping trips and you are able to have all your coupons with you at the store just in case you find a new deal while you are there!To create your own binder you will need:

Binder – preferably one with a zipper so that your coupons do not fall out

Tab Dividers

Scissors, Calculator and Pen – preferably in a zippered pouch

Plastic Trading Card page protectors

Once you have all the supplies for your binder, you will have to figure out what is the best way to organize your coupons. I recommend adding categories that will help you to easily find each coupon. For example: Baby, Cleaners, Beauty, Dairy, Pet, Laundry, Produce, Meat, etc.With the binder system you will have to take the time to go through and take out all the expired coupons each month. (Check out donating your expired couponsPortable Filing System:Another way to organize your coupons is by utilizing a portable file box with hanging folders. You will need to label each folder with a particular month (or week if you get multiple inserts). After you have your files in place, you will need to write the date on the front of each insert to make it easier to find coupons when you are making your shopping list.With this method, you will also need to keep an extra folder for printed coupons, or coupons that you receive from other various sources. Also, check out the Couponizer to help you organize these other coupons you receive. Using a portable file box will save you time because you will not be cutting all the coupons from each weeks’ inserts, but it will take you longer to plan your shopping trips, and you will not be able to take all your coupons with you to the store.Once you have figured out which system works best for you, you will need to establish where you will get your coupons. The two main sources for coupons are newspaper inserts in the Sunday paper, and printable coupons. You will need to find out which local paper has the best coupon inserts. In my area we have the Pittsburgh Post Gazette and the Tribune Review, but they both only include the Smart Source insert. The Red Plum insert normally gets delivered with the regular mail the Tuesday before. To see if it gets delivered with your mail click HERE.You always want to have at least 4 copies of each insert. This will allow you to have 4 copies of each coupon and stockpile items when they are FREE or cheap. If you want to get more inserts without having to pay for them, you can ask your local stores if you can have their unsold papers at the end of the week because they just throw them away anyways.Also, Procter & Gamble puts out a monthly insert normally at the beginning of each month. These inserts carry high value coupons, but they also are not included in my local paper. To check to see if there is a newspaper in your area that includes this insert click HERE.Every Wednesday I post a list of that particular week’s coupon inserts, so take a look at Frugal Fanatic to see if you should purchase extra copies of the Sunday paper!Another source is printable coupons. There are many site that offer printable manufacturer coupons including:Coupons.comRed PlumCoupon NetworkThere are many other manufacturer sites that offer coupons for signing up for their news letter or “liking” them on Facebook. You do not need to go and print out every coupon you find. Only print the ones that you will actually use! Most coupons are limited to 2 prints. It is illegal to photocopy coupons!Now that I have told you how to get started your job is to figure out where to get your coupons and to get organized! Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 2: How to use couponsVistaprint
