Family Fun Crafts - Easy DIY Projects

family fun crafts 

Family Fun Crafts

This article was written by a Frugal Fanatic reader: Trisha from Bay City, MI. Thanks for the great savings tips Trisha!Everyone is looking for family fun crafts and easy DIY projects. If you have a child many times they complain about being bored and they don’t know what to do. I know I have been there, but trust me when you supply easy family fun crafts that are cheap and safe DIY items in your house you don’t have to deal with complaining, or whiney kids. From personal experience I found that kids are way better when they are occupied and have something to do, verses them being bored and unruly. DIY projects aren’t just for fun they are helpful with stress and any other thing that people might be going through at the time. DIY is also for you house, who ever said that kids could have fun with arts and crafts? DIY is a safe and cheap way to save on those expensive things that you always seem to need.

Family Fun Crafts and Ideas

  •  Old T-shirt and markers: What kid doesn’t like to draw? I know that when I was little I loved to do anything that involved the word coloring. Find an old plain T-shirt and find some markers. They don’t even have to be shirt markers. To be on the safe side, find some cardboard and stick it under the shirts just in case the markers bleed through.
  • Christmas gifts: Who doesn’t need quick and easy ideas for Christmas Gifts? We all know that Special someone that we love, but don’t know what to get them. Now there is an answer, because with a DIY there is fast and easy ways. For example kaleidoscopes, all you need is glitter, glue, construction paper, toilet paper/paper towel roll, any color ribbon/ paper you want, and some tape. Be sure that you get a set of instructions too.
  • Paper flowers: Who doesn’t need to feel the happiness of a flower once and awhile? Make paper flowers. You get the feeling from them just like you would from the normal flower, without the mess, and the dying flowers. All you need is whatever kind of pattern paper you would like with some glue. This makes a great family fun crafts!
  • Decorated pillows: If you are a person that likes to sew, then this one is for you. Have you ever seen the fancy pillows that you can buy in the store? Wouldn’t you like to own them and not have the cost of a “fancy” pillow that normally falls apart very fast? Well ladies and gentlemen pull out your needles and string, because you can make them. If you have any extra cloth that has a cute design on and matches your house/room then you can make ruffles, pillow case, or even more. If you make a pillow case you can add more stuffing to it from another pillow that can’t be fixed or something else, you can make a bigger pillow and now have it the way you like. This is an activity for the whole family. Make them how you like big, small, glittery, dull, colorful, designs, or plain, they are all wonderful.
  • DUCT TAPE!!!: Everyone has have to heard about the new trend going around about duct tape! You can make wallets, flowers, bracelets, hair accessories, etc. This is a major trend among teens and even adults. Who doesn’t like the new funky colors of the duct tape. It make you wonder how people can do so many things with duct tape. Like my family and I’m sure many others say “ Duct tape fixes EVERYTHING!” Duct tape is another Great example of DIY projects. Duct tape isn’t that expensive and look at all of it you get on a roll.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed some of my ideas. I’m happy that Frugal Fanatic is so kind as to let me share some of these with you. Remember that no matter where you live and no matter how hard times are there are always ways to entertain the kid that is in your hair at the moment with easy family fun crafts. Cheap and Easy is what the people these days are all about and I want to share some of the ways that I know how. Most of this is from Personal experience.Here are some other DIY Crafts and Ways to Save Money. What family fun crafts do you enjoy doing, please share.