Free 2020 Calendar Printables
Start planning with these free 2020 calendar printables today.I love sitting down and planning out all of our monthly activities.Between school events, sports, holidays and every other important date that pops up I need to make sure I stay organized and on top of everything.
Free 2020 Calendar Printables
You can get started with your planning with my free 2020 calendar printables.You will get access to:
Blank calendar to fill in each month
Monthly to-do list
Notes section to help you stay on track
I love using these mini sticky notes to color-code our events on my monthly calendar.
When you download the file you will get access to all 12 months so you can start to plan out your year.I don't know why, but I love to still have a hard copy of my calendar.
Even though I use the digital calendar on my phone, I still like to print out the calendars and write in ou events.It also helps my kids stay on track when they can see our monthly schedule planned out at the beginning of the month.You can also check out my free 2020 Budget Binder printables.
Be sure to sign-up so you can get access to these 2020 calendar printables.
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Do you prefer a hard copy for your calendar or a digital calendar?