Free Weekly Cleaning Schedule
A weekly cleaning schedule can totally change how you are able to manage your home. It is tough to keep up with everything.
Things slip through the cracks, and before I know it, I find myself behind and overwhelmed. This is where a cleaning schedule saves the day.
I know, I know. You are probably thinking that having a weekly cleaning schedule is just adding more work. Another item on your to-do list.
But, hear me out. It will actually save you time and your sanity.
Today I am going to share some of the top reasons you need a weekly cleaning schedule, tips to make it more productive in your home and give you free worksheets to get started!
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Weekly Cleaning Schedule
Nothing gets forgotten.
One of the biggest, if not the biggest benefit to using a weekly cleaning schedule is that nothing gets forgotten.
Many people work long hours, have kids to juggle to and from appointments, plus try to work in some time to relax.In the midst of all the running, little things can be forgotten. When cleaning chores are forgotten, a few things can happen. For some items, it's not a big deal to catch up the next day.
For others, long-term forgetfulness can be tough on your home and your finances. Things like changing air filters, or even cleaning and checking ductwork for your heating and cooling system may seem easy to remember, but before you know it you've gone months without and suddenly realize that oversight cost your family a lot of money.
Our printable weekly cleaning schedule is a perfect way to remind yourself of what needs to be taken care of week to week. You can easily print and arrange these in a binder then sort out the items you will be doing daily, weekly, monthly, and even annually
. A core cleaning list will make it easier for you to manage everything and leaves little to be forgotten or overlooked. I recommend going room by room and looking at each space to see what needs to be cleaned. You can then break down that list by specific tasks or rooms throughout the week.
For some, this may mean that you clean all of the ceiling fans in the house one day per week. For others, it means you tackle a complete room top to bottom one day a week. Choose the method that works best for you, but most importantly, stick with it.
The weekly cleaning schedule is all about creating consistency in your routine.
Makes it easier to assign chores to family members.
When using a weekly cleaning schedule, you can easily assign a list to each person in your family to manage.
When you have kids that need to participate in helping around the house, a weekly cleaning schedule makes that easy to manage. You can easily add a few of the items to their chore chart. I love being able to print off the schedule and change things up a bit week to week.
This helps everyone from getting bored and takes a huge burden off of me. Moms and Dads tend to be the ones in charge of the bulk of the cleaning. That shouldn't be the case.
Everyone in the home makes the mess, so why not hold everyone accountable for cleaning it up?
A cleaning schedule will help you to give everyone something they are responsible for, and give you a chance to follow up daily or weekly to make sure they are in fact completing their tasks as assigned.
Make a master weekly cleaning schedule, then divide it up giving each person their own unique list to complete.
At the end of each day or week, you can compare notes to see what is left to be completed. This is also a great way to get kids to become more responsible for their actions and their belongings.
As they begin having to work harder to clean up their own messes, they are more likely to notice the hard work you have been putting into the home and hopefully they will respect it more.
Offers accountability to stay at home moms or work at home individuals.
Working from home can actually make it a lot harder to keep up with chores.
The ability to say, “I'll get to that later” often ends up in it being overlooked and pushed aside time and again. Before you know it, you've completely forgotten about something important. A weekly cleaning schedule will help you to be less likely to forget necessary items, and also hold you accountable for your time. When you are working at home, there are many distractions and traps that can suck you in for hours at a time.
Having a schedule for completing chores can help you to set those alarms, timers, and get up to make sure they are taken care of in a timely manner. Plus, you can make time in your work-at-home schedule to actually clean.
Another hidden benefit to the weekly cleaning schedule for someone who works at home is that it allows you to easily break down your day into small time increments.
This gives your day a less mundane feeling and will help you to stay on top of your other work or tasks to be completed each day.
Helps you recognize where you are lacking.
Let's face it, there are always going to be placed in our home that just isn't as clean or orderly as we would like to imagine them being.
For some, this could be the ceiling fans (this is me!), or high shelves that need dusting more regularly. For others, it could be finally admitting that there are things you put off until it is just so bad that you spend twice as long handling it as it should take.
A weekly cleaning schedule can help you to tackle these things regularly so you can have that perfectly clean home you have always dreamed of having.
Using our free printable weekly cleaning schedule can help to refocus your time cleaning your home.
Whether you need the help to stay on track because of such long and busy days, or you need a gentle reminder to get up to tackle tasks as a stay at home or work at home parent, you'll find a weekly cleaning schedule to be just what you need.
Cleaning your home shouldn't be a dreaded chore, and it doesn't have to be when you take the time to schedule things out reasonably to make it easier to manage.
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