Make Money Selling College Textbooks
Selling college textbooks is a wonderful way to make some extra money while you are still in school. It can be difficult finding ways to earn an income while still having enough time to focus on your school work. Selling college textbooks can help you to make some extra money pay your bills while you are in school.College textbooks are a huge expense, so there are always people looking to find them a little cheaper then the campus bookstore's price. If you are a college student or the parent of a college student, selling college textbooks is a great way to make some money. If you are considering selling college textbooks to make money here are my tips to get started.
Selling College Textbooks:
- You can either sell the college textbooks to online selling sites or stores that buy and sell used textbooks or you can start your own "store" online using a site like eBay. Decide which will work best for you. Many people feel like they can make more money by selling on eBay, direct to the customer. Keep in mind that it does cost you money to sell on eBay.
- When selling to a site or store that resells the textbooks, there are not any fees, but you will probably make less money because the store needs to make a profit for each used textbook they resell.
- Selling college textbooks on Craigslist is free and you will not need to pay any shipping fees since you will be selling to local buyers. Make sure to always meet in a public place and bring someone else with you, if possible. Safety comes first!
- Put up ads on any public boards on campus or at the coffee shop that all the college students go to and pay to put an ad in the local newspapers classified section.
- You can sell your books on Amazon
and receive up to 80% of your money back.
Selling college textbooks is an easy way to make a few dollars on your used college textbooks. There is always a market, because college students are usually on a budget and the campus bookstore is always expensive. Use my tips to get started and make money selling college textbooks. You may also like: How to Save for College5 College Money Saving Tips Every Student NEEDS to KnowWays to Save Money on College TextbooksSide Jobs for College Students If you are looking for ways to work from home? Check out my eBook Real Ways to Make Money from Home. This book goes into depth about 12 different ways that you can earn a full-time income from home without having to work 40 hours a week.