Playdough Recipe - Make Your Own

 Playdough Recipe - How To Make Your Own

Make Your Own Playdough Recipe

Over the past few months I have seen a bunch of different recipes to make your own playdough on Pinterest. I have been wanting to try it with my boys and finally got a chance to do it today. It seemed as if everyone had their own way of making it so I thought I would just wing it. Surprisingly, it turned out great and my kids and I had a fun time making it.Making your own playdough recipe is a fun activity for your kids especially if you have been cooped up in the house like we have these past few months. You may even have everything you need to make this already in your pantry.

Playdough Recipe Ingredients:

  • 1 cup Flour
  • 1/3 cup Salt
  • 2 tsp. Tartar Powder
  • 1 cup Water
  • 2tbsp. Oil {I like to use coconut oil}
  • Food Coloring OR Kool-Aid packets
  • 10-20 drops of essential oils {Lemon is said to make you feel more energetic and happy. Peppermint is said to help with stomach aches and head aches, so this would be perfect for a sick day!}

Playdough Recipe - How To Make Your Own

Playdough Recipe Directions:

Start by mixing the flour, salt, tartar powder and water in a bowl. Depending on what you are using to color the playdough, you can add it now. It is easier to color it before you put it into the pan {I learned the hard way!}. Next, heat a pan on medium and add the playdough mix. Keep stirring it until it has formed a ball in the center of the pan. You can then knead the playdough until the consistency is just right.Playdough Recipe - How To Make Your OwnSince I did not add the coloring first I had to do it after. Once I made the playdough I separated it into equal parts for the amount of colors we were going to have. Next, I added a few drop of food coloring and then just kneaded it and rolled it until it became the desired color.Playdough Recipe - How To Make Your OwnThis was a really fun activity not only to make with my kids but to play with when we were finished.Playdough Recipe - How To Make Your Own Playdough Recipe - How To Make Your OwnYou can also check out our Egg Carton Caterpillar Craft and Teaching Colors with a Froot Loops Rainbow.Make sure you checkout the Frugal Fanatic Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest for even more DIY projects, recipes, saving money tips and more. 

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