Benefits Of Making Baby Food

 Making baby food is not only fun but it can also save you a lot of money. Introducing your baby to solid foods is an exciting time, but the costs can really add up and you will quickly see the increase in your grocery bill.

Benefits of Making Baby Food

There are many benefits to making your own baby food. Here are a few to consider if you are thinking about making baby food for your child.Ingredients - When you make your own baby food you can control the ingredients that your child eats. The food you use can be fresh fruits and vegetables. If you choose to use organic products you can also make sure your baby is sticking to organic food only.Time - You can spend about one to two hours and make a month’s worth of baby food. It may seem like a lot of time to set aside but you can do it when you are cooking your dinner. It is much easier to make your baby food that your family is already eating. If you plan ahead it will save you time each day when making homemade baby food for your child.Money - The savings can really add up when you start to make your own baby food. I am sure the cost can vary depending on where you live but the average price for a jar of stage 1 baby food is $0.50. My son currently eats 5 jars a day {about 12oz.}. That is over $75 a month we would pay for baby food.Flavor - You are able to make your own baby food recipes and mix flavors that your baby will enjoy.Are you ready to start making baby food? Read our tutorial on how to get started with homemade baby food and how you can save money on baby food even if you do not decide to make it yourself.You can make our Butternut Squash Baby Food Recipebanana baby food recipe, or our sweet potatoes baby food.Also check out:Planning A Staycation With Your New BabyTop 10 Must Have Baby ItemsWhat To Pack In A Diaper BagPreserving Baby MemoriesMake sure you checkout the Frugal Fanatic Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest for DIY projects, recipes, money saving tips and more. 
