Free Kids Scavenger Hunt
This is a fun kids scavenger hunt for both older and younger kids. You can even make a few different teams to see who can mark all the items off their list first.
Now that school is out and my boys are home we have been coming up with fun activities that are free. We created our summer bucket list a couple of weeks ago, but a lot of the items they wanted to do included:
Going to the zoo
Going to a waterpark
Riding on a boat
As you can see these all cost money. In order to stay within our budget I encouraged them to come up with free activities like:
Family bike ride
Visiting a local farm
This is a fun kids scavenger hunt for both older and younger kids. You can even make a few different teams to see who can mark all the items off their list first.
Then, my oldest son, came up with the idea to do add a scavenger hunt to our summer bucket list. Last year, my husband created a quick scavenger hunt for my kids in our backyard and they absolutely loved it.
What a great idea!
This is the perfect activity to keep my kids moving, having fun and working together to find all of the items on the list.
My boys love going on a hunt so I whipped up a list of 18 items that they could find around our yard.
You can download a copy of the kid’s scavenger hunt worksheet.
Get this AWESOME freebie now!

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There are 18 different items on the kids’ scavenger hunt worksheet.
The items on this list can be found in your backyard or when you are on a walk.
The best part is, you can print out another copy to do it again another time. We had so much fun running through the yard looking for items on the list. I couldn’t believe how happy they were to mark off items on their list. Each of my kids were so proud of themselves when they found what we were looking for.
This is a fun kids scavenger hunt for both older and younger kids. You can even make a few different teams to see who can mark all the items off their list first.
Download our kids scavenger hunt for your kids to enjoy!